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Sona Baile
Change is inevitable...why not take an active role in directing where it leads...Anicia
The delicatee Butterfly
The fierce Dragon
The burning fire where the Pheonyx is reborn
The past (then) - we cannot change it, the present (now)- the chance to mold and bend the future …
Little Bits.... Words for thought
The Patient
The Client
The Consumer
Change is inevitable
Again history is seeing the world in a state of flux. Looking at the past, this has occurred many times, throughout which humans have persevered and come out stronger...this time will be no different. Change is inevitable - whether from normal wear and tear or a pandemic such as COVID. We will learn to adapt and get past this. We will mourn our losses, celebrate our heroes, and falter for a while, but in the end, we will be stronger.
the year 2020
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